Case Study

Food Services Giant Rethinks
Signs and Graphics Program

Unified Signage Solution Builds the Brand


A large food service company with more than 5,000 facilities across the U.S. was purchasing its signs and graphics from local suppliers. After an in-depth analysis, Curtis 1000 determined that the prices being paid for those  materials varied widely and were substantially higher than could be obtained through a centralized sourcing arrangement. In addition, the client rarely received consultative guidance from the local suppliers and was receiving materials that did not always suit their needs.


Curtis 1000 developed a comprehensive signs and graphics program that encompassed a variety of sizes, formats and materials to meet all of the client’s needs nationwide. An immediate success, the program was expanded to allow direct ordering by individual location managers via Curtis 1000’s Response Element system. This enabled client locations to acquire standard recurring items quickly and easily without the need to consult with anyone at Curtis 1000.


The signs and graphics program developed by Curtis 1000 has delivered significant cost savings for the client and brought greater consistency to their branding nationwide. The client now comes to Curtis 1000 for all of their signs and graphics needs and regularly works with Curtis 1000 to explore fresh approaches for promoting their brand in the marketplace.